La Petite Reine Blanche (Little White Queen)

La Petite Reine Blanche

La Petite Reine Blanche (Little White Queen)

By Mathieu Georis et Théo Hanosset
Status : in development
Running time : + /- 15′
Produced by Ozù (BE) XBO (FR) 

With the support of the Cinema and Audiovisual Center of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation

In collaboration with RTBF (Belgian television)


Summary : Plunged into the warm darkness of a summer night, the streetlights of Ottignies illuminate cars floating in the air. The next morning, a crop circle in the shape of an hourglass appears on the Place du Centre, now a parking lot. Two teams of pelota ball, a local sport driven out by cars more than 30 years ago, confront each other, causing the traffic to stop.

La Petite Reine Blanche