Sous ma fenêtre, la boue (Under my window, the mud)

Sous ma fenêtre, la boue (under my window, the mud)

By Violette Delvoye
Status : in development
Running time :  12′


Produced by   Ozù (BE) •  La Cellule (FR)

Co-produced by  RTBF • Shelter Prod Shelter Prod with the support of and  ING and the tax shelter of the Belgian federal government

With the support of the Cinema and Audiovisual Center of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation


Synopsis: A few minutes in the life of 14-year-old Emma. There is her mother who is too busy, her other mother who is too far away: a presence she rejects, an absence she sublimates. There are disappointed expectations, impossible promises. A few minutes that echo larger stories: what if Emma’s reality was not the one and only Truth?